Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

Scripture: Romans 12:2  “Do not model yourselves on the behavior of the world around you but let your behavior change modeled by your new mind.”

From JPIC Communication #3: Transforming Relationships

c) Transformation: to act through the perspective of transforming relationships implies Spirit. Transformation surpasses human efforts. “We have come to know that transformation is not the same as change. The strategies of change come from our own initiative, while transformation is always the fruit of an Encounter” (Life Unfolding, Offering the Gift, 11). Understanding that God’s Spirit is involved comes through our experience of individual and social transformation that previously seemed impossible.

Contemplate life, the elements of life and your relationships with and of the world.

Reflection: How does the awareness of being connected to all life invite you to transformation? What elements of life are beckoning to you during this transformative time of Lent? Why might those be calling to you?